
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2019


Mi arquitecto favorito es  Alberto Campo Baeza , su libro quiero ser arquitecto, me reinicio Y con ello quiero decir que me recobro la pasión por la Arquitectura y el ser Arquitecta, por eso con esta invitación a su lectura y algunas de las ideas que me llevo del mismo, te invito a pensar si en realidad ¿Quieres ser Arquitecto? y ¿Por que?, coméntame, tal vez pueda ayudarte en este proceso y no solo lo digo por que a lo mejor ya estas estudiando y tuve la fortuna de darte clase, sino por que es importante ver otros puntos de vista y si aun con esto estas convencido, que es lo que quieres ser, que disfrutes este viaje, lleno de aprendizajes infinitos.  QUIERO SER ARQUITECTO


My name is Juliana Murcia and my nickname is JuliMu, I am an Architect, a teacher, and a lover of live, after 33 years of life, I think that I have lived a lot I can share with the world, and this is why I am creating this blog, a personal story of my live. I consider myself a resilient woman  because God gave me a second opportunity to live in this world; in 2017 I was closed to die from cancer but also lived with many consequences. Today is my day to learn more things, love more, enjoy my live with a renewed life. If you want to talk with me you can write to me at julianitamurcia7@gmail.com , and find more information about me on this blog Inspiro a las personas a compartir y a disfrutar la vida con resiliencia, amor y esperanza. El trabajo que realizo lleva implícita la invitación a estar presentes de forma integral en el hoy, a considerar que algunos momentos lo son todo y por eso, compartirlos con las personas indicadas es fundamental para disfrutarlos y atesorarlos. Amo


I am Architect from the Catholic University of Colombia (with Riba and CNA accreditation), Master in neuropsychology and education with an emphasis and their different cognitive processes, I love research on topics like this. I work in the catolic university and free lance with @dedicadoati17 (My Instagram) work too in design for architecture, construction and related, all this varies according to the semester, depend academic charge and the workflow outside, also I have many responsibilities in my work with the students with many bosses becouse I work in fourth faculties, systems engineer, civil Engineering, Architecture and Industrial engineering. My schedules are according with the last. My jobs skills are in dexterity in conceptualizing and developing projects from the collection, interpretation and analysis of information that allow the development of novel and creative projects, with an emphasis on personal branding. I share this with my students and establish interpersonal